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Polecam is a unique, no-fuss single operator broadcast quality camera jib.

The Polecam Limited although synonymous with minicams has further developed its range of electronic Pan & Tilt heads to accommodate the latest in the larger cameras to include the market leading Blackmagic Cinema Camera, Canon C300, Panasonic 171/250, RED Epic, Sony FS700 and many more - and, not forgetting the DSLR range of extremely efficient cameras outputting stunning footage.
Designed specifically with a super lightweight carbon fiber, as a market leading lightweight camera jib that is highly portable, quick to rig and operates either off battery or AC supply. It will mount on a standard lightweight tripod and dolly or via the Polecam body harness for complete mobility.
Polecam gives you smooth, floating crane shots, raising the production values of any programme whilst giving you new angles that would otherwise be hard to get any other way.




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